1.1. These Regulations establish the procedures for forming the expert committee (jury) for the inaugural international women’s initiative Competition in ecology and sustainable development from BRICS countries, titled "Green Future" (hereinafter referred to as the Competition), which takes place within the framework of the IV Eurasian Women’s Forum. The Regulations also define the tasks, powers, and work procedures of the Competition jury.1.2. The organizers of the Competition are the Council of the Eurasian Women’s Forum under the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation and the State Corporation "Rosatom" (hereinafter referred to as the Organizers).1.3. The following terms are used in these Regulations:competition committee (hereinafter referred to as the jury) — recognized experts in the relevant subject areas of each Competition nomination. The jury is composed of experts from BRICS member countries.best initiative or best project (hereinafter referred to as practice) — an example of the implementation of a mechanism, procedure, or methodology for management decision-making that leads to measurable improvements in ecology, environmental management, and sustainable development. The practice must be initiated and led by women, women leaders, or women ideologists in the countries of the BRICS interstate association: the Federative Republic of Brazil, the Russian Federation, the Republic of India, the People’s Republic of China, the Republic of South Africa, the United Arab Emirates, the Islamic Republic of Iran, the Arab Republic of Egypt, the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia, and the Indonesia.application for participation in the Competition (
hereinafter referred to as the application) — consists of documents and presentation materials containing information about the Competition participant and the project submitted for the competition, which are to be uploaded to the Internet at the following address: ecoaward.eawf.ru.competition participant (hereinafter referred to as the participant) — an individual who has proposed and ensured the implementation of a project in their country, submitted an application for participation in the Competition, and posted details of the practice online at: ecoaward.eawf.ru, in accordance with these Regulations. Only women, representatives of organizations, or immediate supervisors can be participants in the Competition.competition finalist — a participant whose practice is recognized as one of the top three in the relevant Competition nomination.competition winner — a participant whose practice is recognized as the best in the relevant Competition nomination.nomination — a thematic category of the Competition for which the participant submits an application. There are five nominations in the Competition: "Green Workforce", "Ecological Culture", "Environmental Protection", "Green Corporation", and "GreenTech". 2. Composition and procedure for forming the Competition jury
2.1. The following individuals are invited to participate as members of the jury:- international experts from BRICS countries specializing in ecology, environmental management, and environmental protection;
- representatives of organizations from BRICS countries whose activities or one of their areas of expertise is related to ecology, sustainable development, and minimizing harmful environmental impacts;
- representatives of environmental organizations from BRICS countries;
- representatives of government agencies from BRICS countries involved in ecology, environmental management, and environmental protection;
- social activists and public figures from BRICS countries who engage in socially significant activities in the field of ecology and environmental protection.
2.2. Jury members must have at least five years of professional experience in ecology.2.3. The activities, achievements, and positions of jury members must be verifiable.2.4. The Competition jury may consist of both men and women who are citizens of the Federative Republic of Brazil, the Russian Federation, the Republic of India, the People’s Republic of China, the Republic of South Africa, the United Arab Emirates, the Islamic Republic of Iran, the Arab Republic of Egypt, the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia, and Indonesia.2.5. The jury must consist of at least 12 (twelve) members.2.6. The jury may not include any applicants or participants of the Competition, nor individuals associated with them, such as relatives, supervisors, subordinates, or other representatives of the applicants and participants.2.7. The jury must be composed in a manner that eliminates any potential conflicts of interest that could affect its decision-making. 3.1. To evaluate the applications submitted by Competition participants by voting on a 10-point scale, in accordance with the pre-approved criteria, and following the Methodological guidelines for evaluation.
3.2. To select the finalists in each nomination category.
3.3. To select the winners in each nomination category.
3.4. The jury may be expanded after the Competition opens and the application collection process begins (after September 18, 2024), but must be finalized by the end of the application submission period and the beginning of the evaluation process (by December 16, 2024).
3.5. The jury may be supplemented in accordance with the terms of the Competition’s sponsorship agreements.
4. Jury organization and operations:
4.1. All jury members are assigned to specific nominations. A jury member may evaluate applications from two or more nominations only if they possess confirmed expert qualifications.
4.2. Before evaluating the applications of the Competition participants, jury members must familiarize themselves with the Methodological guidelines for evaluation.
4.3. Prior to assigning points for each evaluation criterion, the jury must thoroughly review the materials of all applications in their assigned nomination.
4.4. Jury voting is conducted remotely through a closed online voting system.
4.6. The finalists of the Competition are determined based on the total votes from the jury members, using a rating system.
4.7. The jury operates on principles of independence of its members, non-interference in its internal affairs, and the collegial, transparent, free, and impartial consideration of matters assigned to its competence by the decision of the Competition Organizing Committee.
5. Jury rights and responsibilities
The jury is responsible for:
- complying with the Competition Regulations, the Regulations on the formation of the jury, and the Methodological guidelines for evaluation;
- remaining impartial and unbiased when evaluating applications from Competition participants;
- not disclosing information about the results of the Competition before the official announcement.
5.2. The jury has the right to:
- request additional information about the participants, projects, or initiatives, if necessary, by submitting a request to the Competition's Organizing Committee;
- distribute prizes among the Competition participants;
- highlight individual contributors and provide written or oral recommendations for awarding additional prizes to these participants. However, the final decision to award special prizes rests with the Competition's Organizing Committee;
- refrain from awarding all prizes.