Competition Regulations
Green Future: Ecological Female Projects Award by the Council of the Eurasian Women's Forum
1. General Provisions
1.1. The Competition for Women’s Projects in the Field of Ecology and Sustainable Development from BRICS Countries (hereinafter referred to as the ‘Competition') is being held for the first time as part of the implementation of the Fourth Eurasian Women’s Forum event plan.
These Regulations establish the procedures and outcomes for the competitive selection of participants in the inaugural international competition for women’s initiatives in the field of ecology and sustainable development from BRICS countries.
The Competition will take place from September 18, 2024, to December 16, 2024.
1.2. The purpose of the competition is to promote women’s ecological initiatives, encourage social engagement, and support the dissemination and replication of the best environmental projects within BRICS countries.
1.3. The objectives of the Competition are as follows:
1.3.1. To recognize and highlight the best projects in their respective categories across different countries and promote their initiatives;
1.3.2. To facilitate the exchange and implementation of best practices in the field of environmental and natural resource protection within BRICS countries;
1.3.3. To inspire women to develop projects in ecology and nature conservation;
1.3.4. To strengthen cooperation networks. This includes forming networks and alliances among women in the field of ecology to enhance their positions and opportunities for collaboration;
1.3.5. To support women’s leadership. This involves fostering leadership qualities in women within the fields of ecology and sustainable development, and increasing their role in decision-making processes.
1.4. The Organizers of the Competition are the Council of the Eurasian Women’s Forum under the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation and the State Corporation Rosatom (hereinafter referred to as the ‘Organizers').
1.5. These Regulations will be published openly on the official website of the Competition at upon approval by the Organizers.
1.6. The following terms are used in these Regulations:
Best Initiative or Best Project (hereinafter referred to as the ‘Practice') — an example of implementing a mechanism, procedure, or methodology for making management decisions that results in measurable improvements in the field of ecology, natural resource management, and sustainable development. The Practice must be initiated and led by women, women leaders, or women ideologists in the countries of the BRICS interstate association: the Federative Republic of Brazil, the Russian Federation, the Republic of India, the People’s Republic of China, the Republic of South Africa, the United Arab Emirates, the Islamic Republic of Iran, the Arab Republic of Egypt, the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia, and Indonesia.
Application for Participation in the Competition (hereinafter referred to as the ‘Application') — documents and presentation materials containing information about the Competition Participant and the Practice, submitted for participation in the Competition via the Internet at
Competition Participant (hereinafter referred to as the ‘Participant') — an individual who has proposed a project, is ensuring its implementation in their country, has submitted an Application for participation in the Competition, and has posted the Practice on the Internet at in accordance with these Regulations. Only women, representatives of organizations, or immediate supervisors are eligible to participate in the Competition.
Competition Finalist — a Participant whose Practice is recognized as one of the top three in the relevant Competition nomination.
Competition Winner — a Participant whose Practice is recognized as the best by the Competition Committee (jury) in the relevant Competition nomination.
Competition Committee (jury) — a panel of recognized experts in the subject area of each Competition nomination. The Competition Committee is composed of experts from BRICS member countries.
Nomination — a thematic section of the Competition for which the Participant submits an Application for leadership. The Competition includes five nominations: "Green Workforce", "Ecological Culture", "Environmental Protection", "Green Corporation", and "GreenTech".
1.7. The competitive selection process is based on the principles of transparency, socio-economic justification, and active involvement of a wide range of the public and recognized experts in the subject area.
1.8. The Competition is conducted on a free, non-commercial basis. Participants are responsible for covering the costs associated with preparing and submitting an Application and posting the Practice on the Competition website.
1.9. The winners of the Competition will receive financial support to cover travel and accommodation expenses for attending the Diploma Award Ceremony in Moscow, Russia.
1.10. The official Internet resource of the Competition, where all information about the Competition is posted and Applications are collected, is:
2. Procedure for Participation in the Competition
2.1. Female citizens of the Russian Federation, Brazil, India, the People’s Republic of China, the Republic of South Africa, the United Arab Emirates, the Islamic Republic of Iran, the Arab Republic of Egypt, the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia, and Indonesia regardless of their place of residence, who are 18 years of age or older (hereinafter referred to as the ‘Participant'), are invited to participate in the Competition.
2.2. The Participant must have a minimum of three years of work experience in implementing socially-oriented projects in the field of ecology. The Participant must provide documentary evidence of this experience.
2.3. The Participant’s project or initiative submitted to the Competition must have already been implemented at the time of application and must demonstrate proven results.
2.4. The Participant’s project or initiative submitted to the Competition must be implemented in one of the BRICS member countries, but not necessarily in the Participant’s country of citizenship.
2.5. Participants in the Competition may be either the founders (authors) of the nominated project or the project managers.
2.6. To participate in the Competition, registration must be completed in accordance with the procedure specified on the official Competition website. Participants or their legal representatives must directly complete and submit the prescribed application form to the Competition Organizer, confirming their understanding of these Regulations and their voluntary consent to the collection, storage, use, distribution (transfer), and publication of the Participant’s personal data, as well as the results of their work, including on the Internet.
2.7. All documents and the application provided by the Participants or their legal representatives are subject to verification by the Competition Organizer for accuracy.
2.8. Participants or their legal representatives are prohibited from exerting any influence on the Organizers, representatives of the Competition Committee, or the outcomes and procedures of the Competition.
2.9. To participate in the Competition, the following documents must be submitted by December 16, 2024 (inclusive): an application in the prescribed form and the required competition materials.
2.10. In the event that a Participant violates the Competition rules, the Organizer reserves the right to disqualify the Participant from further participation in the Competition.
3. Competition Nominations
3.1. "Green Corporation": this nomination aims to identify successful eco-friendly projects led by large industrial companies and representatives of eco-oriented businesses.
3.1.1. Women who implement environmental projects in large companies or successfully apply their leadership skills in entrepreneurial activities focused on achieving environmental sustainability are invited to participate. The projects led by these participants must adhere to the core principles of an eco-friendly enterprise, including:
The use of green technologies, the rational use of natural resources, and efforts to minimize the anthropogenic impact on the environment.
Participation in societal development through social, economic, and environmental activities.
3.1.2. Selection criteria:
  • Relevance of the project/initiative;
  • Alignment of the project/initiative outcomes with its goals and objectives;
  • Innovation and uniqueness of the project/initiative;
  • Social and environmental significance of the project/initiative;
  • Geographic scope of the project/initiative and potential for scaling;
  • Quantitative reach of the project’s/initiative's target audience;
  • The participant’s contribution and the additional resources secured for the project’s implementation demonstrate its potential for further development;
  • The project team’s experience and competencies align with the planned activities;
  • Public visibility (media coverage, publications on organizational information platforms, company websites, scientific articles).
3.2. "Environmental Protection": this nomination aims to recognize women who contribute to the protection and preservation of specially protected natural areas (SPNAs). These areas are located across various countries, forming a global network that facilitates the exchange of expertise in preserving the planet’s unique ecosystems.
3.2.1. Women who are engaged in the preservation and expansion of protected areas, as well as in the development of ecological and educational tourism within SPNAs, are invited to participate. This includes professional women in the following fields:
Employees of protected areas and visitor centers;
Female foresters;
Representatives of socially significant projects aimed at the preservation and restoration of endangered flora and fauna populations.
3.2.2. Selection Criteria:
  • Relevance of the project/initiative;
  • Alignment of the project/initiative outcomes with its goals and objectives;
  • Innovation and uniqueness of the project/initiative;
  • Social and environmental significance of the project/initiative;
  • Geographic scope of the project/initiative and potential for scaling;
  • Quantitative reach of the project’s/initiative's target audience;
  • The participant’s contribution and the additional resources secured for the project’s implementation demonstrate its potential for further development;
  • The project team’s experience and competencies align with the planned activities;
  • Public visibility (media coverage, publications on organizational information platforms, company websites, scientific articles).
3.3. "Ecological Culture": this nomination aims to identify women leaders who develop public initiatives that promote environmentally friendly behavior among a broad spectrum of citizens, increase public engagement in nature conservation efforts, demonstrate the extensive possibilities for collective environmental action, and help citizens advocate for the creation of a healthy, comfortable, and environmentally safe environment by the state and businesses.
3.3.1. Eligible participants include:
Women leaders in the development of public environmental initiatives;
Activists promoting environmentally friendly behavior at the local and international level.
3.3.2. Selection Criteria:
  • Relevance of the project/initiative;
  • Alignment of the project/initiative outcomes with its goals and objectives;
  • Innovation and uniqueness of the project/initiative;
  • Social and environmental significance of the project/initiative;
  • Geographic scope of the project/initiative and potential for scaling;
  • Quantitative reach of the project’s/initiative's target audience;
  • The participant’s contribution and the additional resources secured for the project’s implementation demonstrate its potential for further development;
  • The project team’s experience and competencies align with the planned activities;
  • Public visibility (media coverage, publications on organizational information platforms, company websites, scientific articles).
3.4. "Green Workforce": this nomination seeks to recognize women leaders who implement educational approaches and mentoring projects that address contemporary challenges and meet the current and future demands of businesses for new ‘green' professionals.
3.4.1. Eligible participants include women who implement educational projects focused on:
Career guidance for students, involving specialists in the environmental sector and training ‘green' professionals;
Enhancing the efficiency of existing professionals and young specialists;
Establishing standards in educational approaches and implementing comprehensive training programs;
Training specialists at an international level.
3.4.2. Selection Criteria:
  • Relevance of the project/initiative;
  • Alignment of the project/initiative outcomes with its goals and objectives;
  • Innovation and uniqueness of the project/initiative;
  • Social and environmental significance of the project/initiative;
  • Geographic scope of the project/initiative and potential for scaling;
  • Quantitative reach of the project’s/initiative's target audience;
  • The participant’s contribution and the additional resources secured for the project’s implementation demonstrate its potential for further development;
  • The project team’s experience and competencies align with the planned activities;
  • Public visibility (media coverage, publications on organizational information platforms, company websites, scientific articles).
3.5. "GreenTech": this nomination aims to identify participants whose innovative achievements drive progress in science and technology while making a significant contribution to environmental protection. The nomination provides an opportunity for women innovators in scientific and technical fields to present projects focused on energy transition, achieving carbon neutrality, and other initiatives in ecology and sustainable development.
3.5.1. Women who implement projects in the field of science and technology and promote initiatives that contribute to nature conservation and have not been previously implemented are invited to participate.
3.5.2. Selection Criteria:
  • Relevance of the project/initiative;
  • Alignment of the project/initiative outcomes with its goals and objectives;
  • Scientific innovation and uniqueness of the technology;
  • Social and environmental significance of the project/initiative;
  • Geographic scope of the project/initiative and potential for scaling;
  • Quantitative reach of the project’s/initiative's target audience;
  • Potential contribution of the project/initiative to global science;
  • The participant’s contribution and the additional resources secured for the project’s implementation demonstrate its potential for further development;
  • The project team’s experience and competencies align with the planned activities;
  • Public visibility (media coverage, publications on organizational information platforms, company websites, scientific articles).
4. Competition Procedure
4.1. To initiate the selection of Participants, a Competition Committee (jury) is established, with its composition determined and approved by the Competition Organizers.
4.2. The Competition is conducted in two stages.
4.3. The first stage of the Competition runs from September 18, 2024, to December 16, 2024.
4.3.1. During this stage, the Competition Committee accepts applications for participation and disqualifies those Participants who do not meet the requirements outlined in these Regulations. After the conclusion of the first stage, a list of Participants who meet the formal requirements of the competition is compiled. The Organizers reserve the right not to publish the entire list of Participants on the Competition website.
4.4. Participants can apply for only one nomination.
4.5. The second stage of the Competition runs from December 16, 2024, to January 31, 2025.
4.5.1. During this stage, the Competition Committee evaluates the content and quality of the submitted materials, conducts an expert assessment of the applications, and selects the finalists of the Competition. By the conclusion of the second stage, and no later than end of Q1 2025, a list of finalists and winners in each nomination will be published on the official website.
4.5. The award ceremony for the Competition winners will take place in Q1 2025. The exact date will be announced on the official Competition website by the time the list of finalists and winners is published.
5. Summarizing the Competition Results
5.1. The Competition results are determined based on the total points accumulated in the rating system. Members of the independent Competition Committee evaluate the applications in each nomination using a 10-point scale.
5.2. The list of finalists includes the three applications in each nomination that have received the highest scores.
5.3. The winners are the applications that have achieved the highest score in their respective nominations. Only one winner is selected per nomination, though the Organizer reserves the right to increase the number of winners in any nomination.
5.4. Evaluation Criteria (except the nomination "GreenTech"):
Maximum number of points
Relevance of the project/initiative
Alignment of the project/initiative outcomes with its goals and objectives
Innovation and uniqueness of the project/initiative
Social and environmental significance of the project/initiative
Geographic scope of the project/initiative and potential for scaling
Quantitative reach of the project’s/initiative’s target audience
The participant’s contribution and the additional resources secured for the project's implementation demonstrate its potential for further development
The project team's experience and competencies align with the planned activities
Public visibility (media coverage, publications on organizational information platforms, company websites, scientific articles)
5.5. Evaluation Criteria for the nomination “GreenTech”:
Maximum number of points
Relevance of the project/initiative
Alignment of the project/initiative outcomes with its goals and objectives
Scientific innovation and uniqueness of the technology
Social and environmental significance of the project/initiative
Geographic scope of the project/initiative and potential for scaling
Quantitative reach of the project’s/initiative’s target audience
Potential contribution of the project/initiative to global science
The participant’s contribution and the additional resources secured for the project's implementation demonstrate its potential for further development
The project team's experience and competencies align with the planned activities
Public visibility (media coverage, publications on organizational information platforms, company websites, scientific articles)
5.6. Project/Initiative Evaluation Methodology.
5.6.1. All applications submitted on time will be reviewed for compliance with the formal criteria of the Competition from December 16, 2024 to  January 31, 2025. The Organizing Committee will check the applications according to these criteria. Based on the results of this review, a list of applications accepted for participation in the Competition will be compiled and forwarded to the Competition Committee (jury) for further evaluation.
5.6.2. The evaluation and selection of winners will proceed as follows:
Each application will be evaluated by at least three experts. If significant discrepancies arise during the evaluation, additional experts may be involved.
The experts will provide an assessment based on a comprehensive analysis of the application, which will also be scored (1−10 points).
Based on the expert evaluations, average scores will be calculated, from which a ranking of the applications will be formed, and the winners identified. The winners will be approved by the Organizing Committee of the Competition.
5.7. Procedure for Awarding Certificates to Participants
5.7.1. Participants whose applications are accepted for the Competition will receive an Electronic Certificate of Participation. The Organizer will send the certificate to the email address provided by the participant during the application process, no later than 10 (ten) business days after the completion of the second stage of the Competition.
5.7.2. Participants whose applications reach the final will receive an Electronic Certificate of Finalist. The Organizer will send the certificate to the email address provided by the participant during the application process, no later than 10 (ten) business days after the completion of the second stage of the Competition.
5.7.3. Participants whose applications win in their respective nominations will receive both an Electronic Winner’s Diploma and a paper Winner’s Diploma. The Organizer will send the Electronic Winner’s Diploma to the email address provided by the participant during the application process, no later than 10 (ten) business days after the completion of the second stage of the Competition. The paper Winner’s Diploma will be presented at the official closing ceremony of the Competition or sent by mail.
5.8. The results of the competitive selection are final and not subject to revision.
6. Results of the Competitive Selection
6.1. The decisions of the Competition jury (expert commission) are documented in a written protocol, which is signed by all members of the jury. The jury reserves the right to establish additional nominations and awards.
6.2. The results of the Competition will be published online at within 3 (three) working days following the official announcement of the Competition results.
6.3. Upon receiving the Winner’s Diploma, the winning Participant or their legal representative must send a confirmation of receipt to within 3 (three) working days from the date the Diploma is sent by the Organizer. This confirmation should be in response to the Organizer’s message.
6.4. If, due to the Participant’s failure to comply with clause 5.3 of these Regulations, the Organizer does not receive confirmation of the Diploma’s receipt within the specified time frame, the winning Participant will be removed from the list of those invited to the official diploma presentation in Moscow, Russia.
6.5. The Winner’s Diploma is personal and may not be transferred to third parties, including other Competition participants, the Participant’s relatives, or any other individuals not specified in the Diploma.
7. Processing of Personal Data
7.1. By participating in the Competition, the Participant voluntarily and willingly consents to the Organizer processing their personal data, including their last name, first name, patronymic (if applicable), email address, telephone number, the name of the organization they represent, their position, as well as their image, video recordings, or audio recordings of their voice.
7.2. The Organizer is authorized to process the Participant’s personal data for the following purposes:
7.2.1. Facilitating the Participant’s registration for the Competition.
7.2.2. Identifying the Participant during the various stages of the Competition.
7.2.3. Communicating with the Participant, including sending notifications, requests, and information related to the organization and conduct of the Competition via email or telephone, as well as responding to the Participant’s inquiries.
7.3. The Organizer is authorized to perform the following actions (operations) with the Participant’s personal data: collection, recording, systematization, accumulation, storage, updating (correction, modification), use, transfer (distribution, provision, access), anonymization, deletion, and destruction of personal data.
7.4. The Organizer may process the Participant’s personal data with or without the use of automation tools.
7.5. A general description of the methods used to process the Participant’s personal data: mixed processing of personal data. Information obtained during the processing of personal data may be transmitted via the Organizer’s internal network (accessible only to designated employees of the Organizer), through the Internet, or may remain untransmitted.
7.6. The Organizer has the right to transfer the Participant’s personal data to third parties in connection with the organization and conduct of the Competition.
7.7. The Organizer may delegate the processing of the Participant’s personal data to third parties in connection with the organization and conduct of the Competition.
7.8. Consent to the processing of personal data remains valid until it is revoked.
7.9. The Participant has the right to revoke their consent to the processing of personal data by submitting a written request via email to the Organizer:
8. Use of Images and Video Files
8.1. By participating in the Competition, the Participant consents to the Organizer’s use of all images and/or video files submitted as part of the application for participation.
8.2. The use of images and/or video files received from Participants in connection with the application is carried out in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation and these Regulations, without the need for oral or written, prior or subsequent agreement with the Participants, without payment of any remuneration to the Participant or any person represented by the Participant, and without any restrictions on the methods, duration, or territory of use of the said images.
8.3. Permitted methods of using images and/or video files include their reproduction, distribution, public display, public performance, translation, or other processing.
8.4. During the presentation of Competition diplomas, the Organizer has the right, independently or with the involvement of third parties, to organize photo and video recording and to post the resulting images, including photographs and video recordings, on the Internet.
9. Other Conditions
9.1. In accordance with the procedures established by the legislation of the Russian Federation, the Organizer reserves the right to terminate the Competition at any time before the results are finalized. In such a case, a notice of rejection of all applications or of the termination of the Competition will be promptly sent to all Participants.
9.2. The Competition Organizers and the Competition Committee shall not be held liable for a Participant’s failure to receive information or for receiving incorrect information about the Competition if the Participant obtained such information informally.
9.3. In the event of disputes arising from these Regulations related to the organization, conduct, or participation in the Competition, a pre-trial (claim) settlement procedure is mandatory, involving the exchange of written claims.
9.4. Disputes that cannot be resolved through pre-trial means shall be referred to the court at the location of the Competition Organizer for consideration and resolution.
10. Contacts
Telephone number of the Competition Organizing Committee: +7 (915) 188-02-06; email: