Privacy Policy
1. Terms and Definitions
1.1. The terms used in this document, when capitalized, have the following meanings:
1.1.1. Site Owner — the Foundation "Association of Women in the Nuclear Industry", registered under primary state registration number 1 187 700 022 070 on December 20, 2018, with its legal address at 125 424, Moscow, Volokolamskoye Highway, building 108, basement/VIII/5/19; which independently determines, at its sole discretion, the terms of use of the Site, including the procedures for posting information on the Site.
1.1.2. Content — any information published on the Site, including data uploaded or processed via the Application, in any format. This includes, but is not limited to, text, tables, charts, diagrams, graphic images, photographs, videos, and audio recordings. Content may contain intellectual property, including copyrighted works and/or related rights, as well as means of individualization (such as trademarks), or information required to access such materials through information and telecommunications networks, including the Internet.
1.1.3. Confidential Information — information deemed a trade secret or classified as confidential in accordance with the Applicable Law.
1.1.4. Policy — this Privacy Policy, publicly available on the Site at:
1.1.5. User — an individual who uses the Internet and has visited the Site. The User must possess the legal capacity and authority required to enter into this Agreement.
1.1.6. Applicable Law — the laws of the Russian Federation, as well as the generally recognized principles and norms of international law and international treaties of the Russian Federation, in effect at the time of publication of this Policy or at the time of actions or events specified in the official documents of the Site Owner published on the Site.
1.1.7. Site — a collective work owned by the Site Owner, comprising a set of computer programs, databases, and other information contained within an information system. Access to the Site is provided through the information and telecommunications network known as the Internet, at the domain name
1.1.8. Parties — refers to both the Site Owner and the Users.
1.1.9. Cookies — data fragments sent by the Site’s web server to the User’s web browser when visiting the Site. Cookies are stored on the User’s device and contain a simple key-value table with data necessary for the functioning of the Site. They can be used to identify and authenticate the User, personalize the Site, and collect information about the User’s actions on the Internet.
1.2. Any other terms or expressions used in this Policy are to be interpreted according to the definitions provided by the Applicable Law.
2. General Provisions
2.1. This Policy is an official document of the Site Owner and constitutes an integral part of the Rules.
2.2. Users acknowledge and agree to the provisions of this Policy and undertake to comply with them.
2.3. This Policy governs the legal relationship between the Parties concerning the Site Owner’s processing of information obtained by any of the following methods:
2.3.1. Information provided to the Site Owner by Users or third parties through feedback forms available on the Site, including files uploaded and submitted via such forms, or through requests sent using the contact details provided on the Site.
2.3.2. Information collected by the Site Owner through cookies or by other means.
2.4. The information received and processed by the Site Owner in accordance with this Policy may include both Confidential Information and publicly available information.
2.5. The Site Owner is committed to taking measures to protect Confidential Information in accordance with the Applicable Law.
2.6. By providing information to the Site Owner, Users also grant the Copyright Holder the right to use such information at its sole discretion in any manner not prohibited by Applicable Law.
2.7. The Site Owner restricts access to the information processed in accordance with this Policy to its employees, contractors, and third parties, ensuring that access is granted only to authorized persons.
2.8. Users acknowledge that the transmission of information over the Internet is recognized as an inherently insecure method for ensuring the confidentiality of information. As such, despite the security measures in place, the Site Owner cannot guarantee the confidentiality of information provided or collected through the Internet. Therefore, Users transmit information to the Site Owner at their own risk.
2.9. The Site Owner retains information received from Users or collected on the Site for the period necessary to achieve the purposes of processing, unless this period is limited or terminated earlier in accordance with Applicable Law or the official documents of the Site Owner published on the Site. The retention period is determined by a combination of factors, including the purpose of processing, the volume and nature of the information, the presence or absence of potential risks of unauthorized access, and the requirements of Applicable Law.
2.10. In accordance with Applicable Law and the official documents of the Site Owner published on the Site, information obtained by the Site Owner may be transferred to third parties, including those located outside the Russian Federation, and may also be stored outside the Russian Federation, without prior notice to Users.
3. Processing of Personal Data
3.1. If personal data is collected automatically by the Site Owner, including through the use of cookies, after the User accesses the Site, no consent for processing such personal data is required. The Site Owner processes the data in accordance with paragraph 5 of part 1 of article 6 of Federal Law No. 152-FZ "On Personal Data" dated July 27, 2006, which permits the processing of personal data when it is necessary for the performance of an agreement to which the data subject is a party or for the conclusion of an agreement initiated by the data subject. In this case, the agreement between the Site Owner and the User is deemed to be the Rules and other official documents of the Site Owner published on the Site, to which the User agrees by taking actions stipulated by such documents.
3.2. By voluntarily providing their personal data to the Site Owner, the User freely and willingly consents to the processing of personal data in accordance with Applicable Law and this Policy.
3.3. The Site Owner is the operator of Users' personal data.
3.4. The purposes of processing personal data include:
3.4.1. Providing access to the Site.
3.4.2. Supplying information about the Site Owner’s activities.
3.4.3. Engaging in feedback with Users.
3.4.4. Sending informational messages.
3.4.5. Detecting, preventing, and addressing violations of Applicable Law and the provisions of the Site Owner’s official documents published on the Site.
3.4.6. Analyzing statistical data on Users' behavior within the information and telecommunications network known as the Internet.
3.5. The personal data that the User consents to be processed includes:
3.5.1. Surname and given name.
3.5.2. Contact information (email address).
3.5.3. Network metadata identifiers, including URLs and HTTP request headers, IP addresses, cookie data, browser or other software details used to access the Site, technical specifications of hardware and software, date and time of web page access, geo-identifiers, search queries and requested web page addresses, information about navigation between web pages, and actions taken on them.
3.6. The list of actions involving personal data, for which consent is given, includes collection, recording, organization, accumulation, storage, updating (modification, correction), retrieval, use, transfer (distribution, provision, access), including cross-border transfer, anonymization, blocking, deletion, and destruction, performed with or without the use of automated means.
3.7. The Site Owner is entitled to use any of the following methods for processing personal data, or a combination thereof:
3.7.1. Non-automated processing of personal data.
3.7.2. Fully automated processing of personal data, with or without the transfer of the obtained information over a network. Information obtained during the processing of personal data may be transferred through the internal network of the Site Owner (accessible only to authorized employees of the Site Owner), through the public Internet, or not transferred at all.
3.7.3. Mixed processing of personal data. Information obtained during the processing of personal data may be transferred through the internal network of the Site Owner (accessible only to authorized employees of the Site Owner), through the public Internet, or not transferred at all.
3.8. Consent to the processing of personal data remains valid until the purposes for processing personal data are fulfilled or until it is withdrawn.
3.9. Consent to the processing of personal data may be withdrawn by submitting a written request to the Site Owner at the postal address provided in this Policy, or by sending a scanned copy of such a request to the following email address:
3.10. The Site Owner’s policy regarding the processing of personal data is published in the public domain on the following page of the Site:
3.11. The Site Owner reserves the right to transfer Users' personal data to third parties, including those located outside the Russian Federation.
3.12. The Site Owner reserves the right to delegate the processing of Users' personal data to third parties, including those located outside the Russian Federation.
3.13. The Site Owner undertakes not to sell Users' personal data.
4. Other Terms
4.1. This Policy is drafted and shall be interpreted in accordance with Applicable Law. Any issues not covered by this Policy shall be resolved in accordance with Applicable Law and the official documents of the Site Owner published on the Site.
4.2. The legal relationship between the Parties within the scope of this Policy shall be governed by Applicable Law.
4.3. The Site Owner reserves the right to unilaterally amend this Policy at any time without judicial proceedings. Such amendments shall take effect upon the publication of the updated version of this Policy on the Site. Users are responsible for reviewing this Policy independently. Continued use of the Site after amendments have been made to this Policy constitutes confirmation of the Users' acceptance of the updated version.
4.4. If a User disagrees with this Policy, including any amendments, the User must cease using the Site and notify the Site Owner at the addresses specified in this Policy.
4.5. This Policy becomes binding for the User from the moment they agree to the Rules and/or from the moment the User provides the Site Owner with information in accordance with this Policy and other official documents of the Site Owner published on the Site. This Policy remains in effect indefinitely.
4.6. This Policy is drafted in English and may be made available to Users in other languages. In the event of any discrepancies between the English version and translations in other languages, the English version shall prevail.
4.7. Any inquiries to the Site Owner regarding this Policy may be sent via email to the Site Owner at