Methodological guidelines for evaluating applications
for the “Green Future” environmental women's projects award by the Council of the Eurasian women's forum

1. These guidelines have been developed to assist the experts of the Green Future Women’s Projects Award in Ecology and Sustainable Development, organized by the Council of the Eurasian Women’s Forum (hereinafter referred to as the ‘Сompetition'), in evaluating applications for participation.

2. Before evaluating applications for participation in the competition, the expert must review the following documents:

  • The Competition Regulations, approved by the Council of the Eurasian Women’s Forum of the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation and the State Corporation Rosatom (hereinafter referred to as the ‘Competition Regulations');
  • These guidelines.

3. The competition expert personally evaluates the applications and questionnaires submitted by participants.

4. The competition expert is not permitted to evaluate an application or questionnaire (hereinafter referred to as the application) if it is submitted by an organization where the expert or their close relative is an employee or a member of a governing body, or in any other case where there are circumstances that suggest the expert may have a personal, direct or indirect interest in the outcome of the evaluation.
In such cases, the expert must inform the Organizing Committee about the conflict of interest.

5. When evaluating submitted applications and questionnaire results, the competition expert conducts a thorough review of the information and documents included, including links to websites and other sources of information referenced in the application.

6. The competition expert is not permitted to discuss the application or questionnaire results with the organization that submitted the application, directly request documents, information, or explanations from the organization, or take any actions that might reveal the identity of the expert evaluating the application.
If the expert has questions requiring additional information or documents from the submitting organization, they may request that the Competition Organizing Committee obtain the necessary information or documents.

7. If the competition expert discovers that the application does not comply with legal requirements and/or the Competition Regulations, contains false information, or includes forged documents, the expert must inform the Competition Organizing Committee. If such circumstances are confirmed, the Expert Jury must discontinue consideration of the application.

8. The competition expert evaluates the application based on specific criteria, assigning a score from 1 to 10 for each criterion (whole numbers only).

The expert’s overall score for the application is calculated by summing the points assigned to each criterion and multiplying them by the corresponding weighting coefficient for that criterion.

9. Criteria for evaluating applications in the following categories:

  • "Green Workforce", "Ecological Culture", "Environmental Protection", and "Green Corporation":
Criteria for evaluating competition applications
Relevance of the project/initiative
Alignment of the project/initiative outcomes with its goals and objectives
Innovation and uniqueness of the project/initiative
Social and environmental significance of the project/initiative
Geographic scope of the project/initiative and potential for scaling
Quantitative reach of the project’s/initiative’s target audience
The participant’s contribution and the additional resources secured for the project's implementation demonstrate its potential for further development
The project team's experience and competencies align with the planned activities
Public visibility (media coverage, publications on organizational information platforms, company websites, scientific articles)
  • “GreenTech”:
Relevance of the project/initiative
Alignment of the project/initiative outcomes with its goals and objectives
Scientific innovation and uniqueness of the technology
Social and environmental significance of the project/initiative
Geographic scope of the project/initiative and potential for scaling
Quantitative reach of the project’s/initiative’s target audience
Potential contribution of the project/initiative to global science
The participant’s contribution and the additional resources secured for the project's implementation demonstrate its potential for further development
The project team's experience and competencies align with the planned activities
Public visibility (media coverage, publications on organizational information platforms, company websites, scientific articles)
10. Recommended approach for assigning a score (from 1 to 10) based on the application evaluation criteria:
Scoring range
Approximate structure of the assessment
The highest level — corresponds to an “excellent” rating.

The evaluation criterion is met perfectly, without any flaws. The competition expert has no remarks.
Average level — corresponds to a “good” rating.

Overall, the criterion is met very well, but there are some minor shortcomings or flaws that generally do not have a significant impact on the overall quality of the project.
Below average level — corresponds to a “satisfactory” rating.

The quality of information provided for this criterion is questionable, with several important parameters inadequately addressed or described unconvincingly. While the information is present, it is partly contradictory. The number and severity of shortcomings prevent the competition expert from assigning a higher rating.
Low level — corresponds to an “unsatisfactory” rating.

Information regarding the criterion is either missing (in the application and in publicly available sources online), presented in vague terms, or is of extremely poor quality, containing factual errors or failing to meet the requirements of the competition regulations. The number and severity of deficiencies for this criterion suggest significant risks for the project's implementation.
11. The competition expert shall also provide a separate assessment of the overall impression of the application, assigning a score from 1 to 10, along with a general comment.

12. The list of finalists shall include the top 3 applications in each category based on the highest scores.

13. The winners shall be the applications that have received the highest score in their respective category.